It’s almost Christmas when you can hopefully get some well-deserved downtime, catch up with the family and eat your own body weight in Quality Street. When you’ve opened your presents and found a comfy spot next to the Christmas tree, your will might not be the first thing on your mind. I think Christmas could be the perfect time to talk about your will. Here’s why.
You’ll spend time with people you don’t often see
You know what it’s like; you spend the whole year looking after your close family and barely see the others. That could be because of geography or just because you have a busy life. If you want to see your cousin in London or grandpa in Manchester, you need to travel, and it’s hard to find the time. You’re much more likely to make an effort at Christmas.
It might also be when you notice the changes in people. If grandma is looking frailer than when you last saw her or seems to be getting confused, it’s a worry. It might also be time to discuss whether there’s a will and a lasting power of attorney to look after her when she needs it.
You’ll have time to talk
The time between Christmas and New Year finds most of us eating at random times and trying to remember what day it is. It’s also the perfect time for a chat with your loved ones. It might seem a bit strange to start talking about wills, but it’s easier than you think.
If you’ve been sorting your own stuff out, creating your will or an LPA, mention it to your family. Tell them that talking to a will writer made you think and talk about the questions they asked you. It’s an easy follow-up to ask whether they’ve sorted their own will or LPA. If they haven’t, you could mention something you’ve read (like this blog) or a friend who had a terrible time because their loved one didn’t have their affairs in order.
It’s not about telling your family what they should do – that’ll get their backs up. It’s about planting the seed and encouraging them to act.
There’s time to reflect on the things you enjoy
Christmas and the end of another year make me think about the things that matter to me and how I want to spend my time. When you get a quiet moment, it’s a great time to reflect on the things you enjoy. When I create an LPA for a client, I also write a letter of wishes to go along with it. It’s a document that talks about everything from your finances to the care you want when you can’t look after yourself anymore.
It also includes fun stuff. The music you love, the hobbies you enjoy and want to be encouraged to continue even if you’re physically infirm. It helps your loved ones to make decisions for you and to help you live a happy life. At Christmas, the things that make us happy come into sharp focus, so it’s the ideal time to think about things you’d want to include in your letter of wishes.
However you’re spending it, I hope you have a happy and peaceful Christmas. If you think it might be time for you to make your will or create a Lasting Power of Attorney, get in touch using the form below or call us on 0116 380 0752.